Apple iPad new 256GB variant reveals price in India Apple iPad new 256GB variant price appeared in India: After the big success of Apple iPad devices, finally the new Upgraded iPad launch in the market with 256GB storage capacity. After adding 256GB iPad version of the company, the previous 16GB version was deleted from the site. The new iPad Pad reveals Apple iPad new 256GB variant price in India, except for its internal storage capacity and packs with almost similar features.
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Apple iPad New Price:
According to the price, there is concern about the official website, the 12.9-inch iPad Pro Wi-Fi version costs Rs 65,900, Rs 73,900 and Rs 81,900 for 32GB, 128GB and 256GB storage variants, respectively. Compared with the price of other iPad supporters, the price of the iPlayer version of the 12.9-inch iPad Pro is Rs 128,900 and Rs 9,392 for 93 GB.
On the other hand, the 9.7 inch iPad Pro Wi-Fi is priced at 49,900 (32GB), 57, 9 00 (128GB) and 65, 9 00 (256GB). The cost of Wi-Fi + Cellular Edition is 61,900 (32GB), 69,900 rupees (128GB) and 77,900 rupees (256GB). Apple is always known for its quality and unique features, but this time it seems that they don’t do anything innovative.
The 12.9-inch iPad Pro and 9.7-inch iPad Pro are only available in 256GB versions. Where 12.9 inches iPad Pro comes with a price tag of Rs. 9,3,900 MRP and on the other side 9.7 inch iPad Pro comes with a price tag of Rs. 77, 9 00 MRP in the Indian market
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12.9 inches iPad Specifications:
Step: Height 305.7 mm (12 in.)
Step: Width 220.6 mm (8.68 in).
Step: Depth 6.9 mm (0.27 inches).
Step: Weight (Wi-Fi) 713 grams (1.57 lbs)
Step: Weight (Wi-Fi + Cellular) 723 grams (1.59 pounds) Chip A9 X third-generation chip with 64-bit desktop-class architecture.
Step: Camera 8-megapixel, 1.2-megapixel front
Step: Value of Rs. 93,900
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Stock Rom (firmware)
9.7 inch iPad Pro Specifications:
Apple iPad 12.9, Apple iPad 9.7, Apple iPad new price
Step: Height 240 mm (9.4 in)
Step: Width 16.95 mm (6.6 in.)
Step: Depth 6.1mm (0.24 inches).
Step: Weight (Wi-Fi) 437 grams (0.96 lbs)
Step: Weight (Wi-Fi + Cellular) 444 grams (0.98 lbs) Chip A9 X third-generation chip with 64-bit desktop-class architecture.
Step: Camera 12-megapixel rear, 5-megapixel front Price: Rs. 77,900 Finally we hope that you’ll find all the above information very useful, because more updates will stay with us and thank you for coming. Sharing is caringSo, Share it on Social Media