Bypass Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account Without computer, OTG Cable
Yes, it’s true that we can bypass the Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account in a few steps, there is no need to download any file, or APK application, or OTG cable, just follow the simple move and this you’ll be able to bypass the Galaxy S7 Edge in Google Account in just 5 minutes.
How to download Z3X 28.2 with the loader, remove all FRPs for Galaxy devices
Remember to remember Bypass Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account, Galaxy S7 Age Unlock FRP, FRP Lock: This method will only work for the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge [Verizon] Android 6.0.1. In case you don’t have a “Verizon Galaxy S7 Edge” device, try this method once before, In case you’re unable to bypass the FRP after trying the method given below, click here
Keep the WiFi device off:
So before starting this trick, make sure you’ve a WiFi network, you can create a hotspot network in your other mobile phone to connect your Galaxy S7 edge, or you may have nearby router. All we’ve to do is disconnect the WiFi connection at the right time when our device is on “Checking the connection”, so keep in mind, to successfully pass through the Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account, make sure that you’ve a WiFi network You can turn your WiFi on or off at any time.
Let’s start bypassing the Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account in 5 minutes:
From the Welcome “Welcome” screen, select your language and tap “Next”, after connecting to WiFi, connect “WiFi” network to your Galaxy S7 Edge device, tap on “Next”, then You can get Pop-up messages, simply tap “Accept”.
Turn off your “WiFi network” by unplugging the patch cord, or when the “software update” screen is in your Galaxy S7 edge device, then close the hotspot at the time, you’ve to turn off your WiFi network at that time. Bypass Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account, Remove Galaxy S7 Edge FRP Unlock, FRP Lock ☁ After this you’ll receive a message of “Could not sign in” and then you’ll be able to tap on “Next” ➔ Next ➔ Next “Select” No Thanks “➔ SKIP ➔ Leave anyway.
How to bypass google account for Android 8.1 (TA-1046)
Turn on your “WiFi” connection:
☁ Once you turn on your “WiFi connection”, and you receive a message on your S7 Edge device of “Connect to SI-FI Network”, scroll down from the “Google Services” page and Then click on “Privacy Policy”. Bypass Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account, Remove Galaxy S7 Edge FRP Unlock, FRP Lock
☁ The Privacy Policy page will open “Long Press” on any word from the Privacy Policy page, and then tap on “Share”, you’ll get a Pop-up of “setup wizard”, just press “Long press” on the “setup wizard” “. Bypass Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account, Remove Galaxy S7 Edge FRP Unlock, FRP Lock From the “Settings, Wizard” screen, tap ➔ Storage प Clear data tap. Now, go back to the setup wizard, tap “Force Stop”, then tap “Force Stop” from the Pop-up screen.
Bypass Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account, Remove Galaxy S7 Edge FRP Unlock, FRP Lock To return to “Google Privacy Policy” press “Back Button” from your S7 edge device, and then tap “Close” to close the Privacy Policy Pop-up screen. N Next
☁ Ho
☁ Ho
☁ leaves it out. Now, you’ve a Pop-up screen of “not signed in” to bypass this Pop-up, you’ve to “restart” your device by pressing the “power key”, and then click on the “Restart” option. Bypass Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account, Remove Galaxy S7 Edge FRP Unlock, FRP Lock Congratulations You can Now, download the Galaxy S7 Edge Google Account without any PC, download any application, you can Now, add your own Google Account by going to Settings, ➔ Account ➔ Add Account.
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In case you’re unable to bypass Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, then try this under the law:
How to bypass Google verification on the Galaxy S6, S7 Edge Android-N In case you like, then share