
How to fix all the Xiaomi-trapped MI logos, the Redmi Note 4 MI logo is stuck Fix the Redmi Note 4 Fixes MI logo problems are easily trapped on your Xiaomi device MI logo or you can unlock this method In case your device has been discontinued too. You can fix this problem by following a few simple and simple steps, and this type of problem is mostly after updating Xiaomi devices. This method is for all Xiaomi devices, to complete the 100% method you must select the correct fastboot file for your Xiaomi device. Noteworthy: This method is tested on “Shami Redmi Note 4”, but you can try it • Xiaomi Mi series • Redmi note series • Redmi series
Let’s start the Rami Note 4 press MI logos and bootlops to fix the problem:
Step:1 Click the download button below to download Mi-Flash-Tool. Mi Flash Tool After downloading the Finnish, double-click on it and Install “Mi Flash Tool”. Radi note 4 stick MI logo, readme stick fix MI logo, update gamy device, MI tool trapped on MI device, upgrade Xiaomi version, download fastbot file
Select and download the correct fastbox file:
Step:2 Now, we must download the correct MIUI ROM to fix Radami Note 4. In my Xiaomi device, MI logos and Bootloader problems are stuck, in my case, I’ll download ★ Redmi Note 4 Qualcomm is the latest global developer version, because it’s for “Redmi Note 4”.In case you’ve another Xiaomi device, don’t worry, you can download your own. MIUI room for your Xiaomi, Redmi, MI devices.
Note: In case your device is locked, select the file with this device, In case your device is unlocked, then select ☆ with this star sign. Radi note 4 stick MI logo, readme stick fix MI logo, update gamy device, MI tool trapped on MI device, upgrade Xiaomi version, download fastbot file Fastbot fileOnce you’ve finished the “fastboot file”, put the file on your desktop, and delete it.
Step:3 Open “Mi Flash Tool”, and click “Select” to give away to download the “fastboot file”, select the “IMAGE” folder and click “ok” from the Pop-up window to give the path Click.
Enter your Xiaomi device Fastboot through the Depp Flash Cab:
Step:4 Let’s enter the fast boot of your Xiaomi device. Keeping the “Volume Down + Power” key together, enter “Deep Flash Cable” for your PC and Xiaomi device and then release the button, In case you don’t need “Deep Flash Cable” then “Micro USB Cable” Try with Radi note 4 stick MI logo, readme stick fix MI logo, update gamy device, MI tool trapped on MI device, upgrade Xiaomi version, download fastbot file
Note: In case you don’t find “Fastbot” mode in your device with “Micro USB cable”, then you need to use “Depp Flash Cable” to get fastbot mode. what’s the Deep Flash Cable: Lock, this cable helps you in “Fastboot” mode in your Xiaomi device in most cases, Brick Xiaomi Tool is unable to go into “fastboot mode” so we need it “Depp Flash cable “For this. You can buy online, it will cost you around $ 14 from or any other online shopping website.
Step:5 Click the “Flash” button after the path of “Download Fastboot file”, you’ll “com” your MI Flash Tool window, in which the signal; This means that you’ve successfully connected your device to MI Flash Device. Redmi note 4 styim MI logo, fix rim stick MI logo, updated xyamid device, MI device trapped on MI device, upgrade Xiaomi version, download fastbot file
Step:6 Now, make sure that “Flash All-End Lock” is checked with Mi Flash Tool software, then click on the last step “Flash” button Radmi Note 4 MI logos and polishing your device to solve the problem. The bootlop has to start. Redmi note 4 styim MI logo, fix rim stick MI logo, updated xyamid device, MI device trapped on MI device, upgrade Xiaomi version, download fastbot file
Step: Once you’ve achieved “successful” results in your Mi Flash Tool, it means that it’s shining, and you can disconnect your Xiaomi Mi device.
Note: In case you’re unable to flash your device or your device is shining in only 1 second, and after that, your device still has the same problem, in this method, we’ve some extra steps that are outdated Use flashing tools. [Click here] Radi note 4 stick MI logo, readme stick fix MI logo, update gamy device, MI tool trapped on MI device, upgrade Xiaomi version, download fastbot file
Step: You should look at your device “Mi Logo”, wait 6-7 minutes for it to finish, and restart auto minutes, even after waiting for 7 minutes, “MI logo” is not going to go, Then start your device “Volume Down” and restart + Power for a while. For at least 10 minutes