How To Unlock FRP Lenovo Tab 2 A 10-30, And Bypass Google Verificationit’svery easy to bypass and unlock FRP Lenovo tab 2, just follow a few easy steps and you’ve done it.
Let’s start to unlock FRP Lenovo Tab 2:
On the Lenovo tab screen, you’ll see that Google is asking you to keep your “Gmail account” to verify your account, In case you’ve
forgotten your Gmail account, don’t worry, all you’ve to do is:
Image Tap on “Email or Phone” as shown in the (find below screenshot)
Step: Now, long press on the “@” icon, after that, a Pop-up will appear, from there, select “Google Keyboard Settings,“.Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock
Step: From Now, tap on the 3 dots from the “Right edge of the screen”, and then select “Help and Feedback” from there to unlock the FRP Lenovo tab 2.Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 UnlockFrom the “Help” screen, tap “Check and update your Android version”
Step: Now, after “Long press” and “Top right side corner” on “Updates”, you’ll get some options, one of them will be “web search”, just tap on it. Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock
Step: After that web web search bar will be opened on your Lenovo tab.
Step: Type “chrome” from there, and below you’ll see “chrome icon”, select it to open “Google Chrome”, ➔ Accept and continue ➔ No thanks. When you go to Google Chrome, you’ve to choose to select these options.
Download Quick Shortcut Maker:
“Bypassing the” Bypass FPP Lock Galaxy A9 Teekable “in Google Chrome Type, after opening that link, tap the link shown in the (find below screenshot), from there, go to the bottom of the page and click” Quick Shortcut Maker Download Search “, and just tap on it, it will redirect you to a new window, tap” top right side corner “to download from there.Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock
Step: Once the finish has been downloaded, tap “Back <” from Lenovo TAP2, until you reach the same option where the “update” was typed on the search bar, just click on the “Update” text Delete, and type “download” there, and below, you’ll find the “Downloads” app, and it will hit, after that you’ll be able to see your “Quick Shortcut Maker Downloaded File”, just “Install” Tap on “Help: In case you get a pop “pop”, simply tap “Settings,” from that Pop-up, and then enable it with “Unknown Source”.Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 UnlockThen tap “<” again, after that tap on “Quick Shortcut Maker”, after the Installation ends, you’ll get two more options, like 1 has been done, and the second one is open, so “open” the tab.Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock
Provisioner bypass application .apk
Re-enter new active Gmail account:
To open the TAP, and then type “Google Account Manager” in that search box, to expand that Google Account Manager after that tap, you’ll see a list of several “Google Account Manager” there, just “TYPE” Email and password “, tap on the Google Account Manager, then tap” TRY “from there,Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 UnlockAnd then you’ll be asked to type “password” on that screen, look at the “top right corner” of your screen, there will be 3 dots, like “:”, tap on those 3 dots, and then tap “Browser sign -In”.
Note: In case “3 dots” is missing, then click here to get 3 dots back.Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 UnlockAnd after that you’ll be redirecting to the “Google Chrome” browser to sign in to your Gmail account, give any “active Gmail account” there, and you’ve done it.Lenovo Tab 2 Unlock, FRP Lenovo Bypass, Lenovo Google Verification, FRP Lenovo Tab 2 UnlockTo complete Unlock FRP Lenovo Tab 2, restart your Lenovo tab, and after that you’ll be able to easily access all the options of Lenovo Tab 2. Sharing is caringSo, Share it on Social Media