Remove Xiamami MI A1 bypass google account, FRP Protection Android 7.1.2 Xiaomi MiA1 bypass Google latest 2018 method, you only need to download “Mi Pc Suite” as well as “MiFRP Removal Tool”, and then you can easily download Xiaomi MiI1 Bypass Google verification on the device. This method is only a device owner.
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Note: This method has been successfully implemented on August 1, 2017 on the Xiaomi MI A1, Android 7.1.2, Sec Patch. Download Xiammi Mi Tools in computer: ☁ Mi Setup 2.2.0 [Download] ☁ Xiaomi A1 BypassFRP Tool v 1.0 [download] “Install” MI Setup 2.2.0 “in your computer. Xiaomi MiA1 bypass google account unlock FRP MiA1, Google Account Xiaomi Miha1 bypass Xiaomi Android 7.1.2 Remove “Turn on” antivirus “or” real time protection “from your computer. Remove “Xiaomi A1 BypassFRP Tool V1.0” from Win WinRar Collection. Go to Ext Extracted Folder. Let’s start a Google Account by moving the AIMI Ai Ai A1:
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Step: Close the Xiaomi Mi A1 device.
Step: Press and Hole (volume of UP + Power) together until you see “fastboot mode”.
Step: Now, connect your computer to a computer via “Micro USB Cable” Right-Click on the “My computer” icon, and then click on “Manager”, then click “Device Manager”.
Step: From there, verify that your “Xiaomi” device has been successfully detected by the computer. Xiaomi MiA1 bypass google account unlock FRP MiA1, Google Account Xiaomi Miha1 bypass Xiaomi Android 7.1.2 Remove Open Xiaomi A1 BypassFRP Tool v 1.0: Right-Click on “Xiaomi A1 BypassFRP Tool v 1.0” and run as administrator (see (find below screenshot)). Xiammy MI A1 bypass google account, FRP MI A1 Unlock, Remove Google Account Xiaomi MI A1, Bypass Xiaomi Android 7.1.2
Step: After that, the Command Prompt window will open, and wait after the green screen appears. कुंजी Press any key in your account from the Xiammy MI A1 bypass google account. After that, it will auto-reboot your device. Xiammy MI A1 bypass google account, FRP MI A1 Unlock, Remove Google Account Xiaomi MI A1, Bypass Xiaomi Android 7.1.2
Step: Now, disconnect your device. Tap on SKIP ➔ Set new ➔ as skip. Full initial setup for X Xiammy MI A1 bypass google account Xiammy MI A1 bypass google account, FRP MI A1 Unlock, Remove Google Account Xiaomi MI A1, Bypass Xiaomi Android 7.1.2 Add Gmail Account and Factory Data Reset:
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Step: Once you’ve access to your device “Home Screen”.
Step: Add Settings, ➔ account Step: from there ➔ Google खाता Add your new Gmail account there.
Step: After that, ➔ Settings, ➔ backup and reset again ➔ factory data reset ➔ reset phone. Xiaomi MiA1 bypass google account unlock FRP MiA1, Google Account Xiaomi Miha1 bypass Xiaomi Android 7.1.2 Remove
Step: Now, it will reset your device and then complete the initial setup, In case you need to sign in with your Gmail account, then already give the existing Gmail ID. Sharing is caringSo, Share it on Social Media