Bypass the Galaxy J3 is easy, and you can easily do anything in your Galaxy J3 unless you did the same with the Galaxy J2 in the previous post as the FRP only, unless you enter your Gmail ID, In case you’ve forgotten Google Accounts in case you can unlock and can not recover it, follow these simple steps to get rid of this problem.
Asus Zenfone 3 Z017D (ZE552KL)
This method was tested on the Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) J2020F
Samsung FRP Calling Tool Remove FRP call tool
This method will also work on:
Step: Samsung Galaxy J1 (2016) J20 F (Global)
Step: Galaxy Express 3J 120A (AT & T)
Step: Samsung Galaxy J3 (2016) J2020F (EMEA)
Step: J120H, J 120m, J 120m, J1220T
Step: J320A (AT & T) J320P (Virgin Mobile, Boost), J3109 (China), J320M, J320Y Galaxy J3 Prime FRP Bypass [Click Here] In case you’ve any other model, you can also try your Galaxy device
Let’s start the Galaxy J3 bypass:
Samsung closes its Samsung Galaxy J3 phone Insert an active SIM card inside your phone jack. J Power on your J3 phone. Tap “yellow arrow” from your mobile to go to the “Next” screen. Give your “SIM PIN lock” which you can already know. W Connect your WiFi connection. Tap “Next ➔ Agree” and wait a few seconds until you “verify your account”. 3 Leave your Galaxy J3 on this option and let’s go to your computer/PC or laptop.
Download the Realtor and Samsung USB Drivers in your computer:
Step: Go to your Internet browser and type “BypassFRP Application Files Tablesable” Download from there “Realtor [Duolland]”, and “Samsung USB Driver”, Installed in both your PC / Laptop. Samsung Galaxy J3 Frap Lock Bypass Galaxy J3, Galaxy J3 (2016), Remove Google Account First Install the Samsung USB Driver in your computer. Connect your mobile computer to Micro USB cable.
“Open” Run “in the computer, right-click on” Devmgmt.MSC “, and then” Modem “, and” SAMSUNG Mobile USB Modem “and then click on” Properties “and check your Device Manager port number, As shown in the picture below, your device manager is similar to both the COM port and the realtime app port. Samsung Galaxy J3 Frap Lock Bypass Galaxy J3, Galaxy J3 (2016), Remove Google Account Samsung Galaxy J3 Frap Lock Bypass Galaxy J3, Galaxy J3 (2016), Remove Google Account Click on the port check on the right side
Step: “3 green light should be there” In case everything is okay, In case not better then try to reconnect 5-6 times by plugging your mobile and unplugging the data cable.
Samsung Galaxy J3 Frap Lock Bypass Galaxy J3, Galaxy J3 (2016), Remove Google Account Click on “Send” from Real “Realtor App”, and except comma, copy the command from here, and the last reality as shown in the (find
below screenshot):
Samsung Galaxy J3 Frap Lock Bypass Galaxy J3, Galaxy J3 (2016), Remove Google Account Command: “On Craig? \ R \ n” Click here for “Copy Commands” Comm Click AC “Send ACSI.” Then Step: copy down the command and replace it with any valid number of your locality, and then “send ACSI” again, you’ll see in your cellphone, click, this call will make that number. Command: atdxxxx; \ r \ n You can give a local valid number to call, E: G, ATD 1234; \ r \ n.
Step: Wait until the call is finished, and then quickly tap on “message” from your phone, and Now, you can disconnect the phone. Now with the
Step: messaging app, you can write in the message box,, and then tap message on “send” to send a once sent message, then that link which hit you wrote, Then hit “Open Link” ➔ ok, open with Chrome Chrome ➔ Accept and continue ➔ No thanks.
Bypass Galaxy J3, Bypass Galaxy J3 FRP Lock, Galaxy J3 FRP Unlock, Google Account Galaxy J3 Bypass Type in “Google Account Manager 6.1.2 and 5.0.1 / 5.1.1” from Google Google Search Manager by typing “BypassFRPApplications and files Pangu”. Once downloading
Step: Finish, you’ll see below your Galaxy J3 screen “open” simply tap that folder to download and go to Google Account Manager 6.1.2 first Install.
Note: In case you get “PARSE ERROR”, then don’t worry, let’s try another version. Go back to downloading the folder, and Install “Google Account Manager 5.0.1 / 5.1.1 (which you’ve already downloaded)
Step: It shows that you “locked the Installation”, so it is; This means that you’ve got the correct version of Google Account Manager Now, that’s why tap “Settings,” inside the Pop-up and “Turn on Unknown Sources” from there, then tap “Install” once the Installation ends, it’s done “Finished Tap on “
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Download and Install Quick Shortcut Maker:
Step: Now, go back “until you download Google Account Manager,” you reach “Pangu same site post”. “Download” Quick Shortcut Maker “and there is a downloading finish, you’ll have a bottom Pop-up for” Open “. Tap is” Open “. Open “Quick Shortcut Maker” Tap ➔ Open.
After opening Quick “Quick Shortcut Maker”, type the search bar “Google Account Manager”, tap on Google Account Manager to spend it. From the Google Account Manager’s list, select one of them that appears with “Type email and password”, just tap it, all are
mentioned in the (find below screenshot):
Step: Tap “Try”. Tap “3 dots” from right top right corner.
Step: Then, select “Browser sign-in”.
Step: Add your valid Gmail ID to Bypass Galaxy J3 FRP Lock.Turn off your mobile by pressing the power power button, and after restarting, you’ll normally be able to access all the options on your mobile. Congratulations on the successful Bypass Galaxy J3 FRP Lock In case you’re not able to bypass your Samsung Galaxy J3, try it under the latest method. How to bypass Galaxy J3 by FRP protection without PC [latest method]
See also:
The latest way to BypassFRPs is the Galaxy S8 Plus, Galaxy S8 Edge, Android-N, Nougat 7.0bypass google account Verification on Moto G3 and Moto G4 Plus bypass google account Verification on Samsung Galaxy J5 bypass google account Verification on Samsung Galaxy J500 F Sharing is caringSo, Share it on Social Media