How to bypass the Google FRP Infinix Note 3 Pro without PC Follow the Easy Steps to Google Account Infinix to Bypass 3 Pro After you’re not recovering your forgotten Gmail account, and after trying every single method, you’re unable to get back the previous sync Gmail account, Then I’ll recommend you to follow this method to bypass the factory reset protection from Infinix note 3 pro Android 6.0.
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Caution: This method is only for [DEVICE owner]. Let’s start bypass google account Infinix note 3 Pro:
Step: Switch to device
Step: Connect to Wi-Fi for Infinix Note 3 Pro.
Step: From the Wi-Fi screen, tap “Add another network”.
Step: Type a random text in the “SSID” field.
Step: after that. Long tap are your typed text, unless (cut, copy, assist) options appear.
Step: Tap “Helper”, and wait a few seconds until “Google” is open. bypass google account Infinix Note 3 Pro Unlock FRP Infinix, Infinix Remarks 3 Supporting Bypass Google Validation FRP Infinix Note 3 Note 3 Infinix Pro Android 6.0 FRP Bypass, BypassFRP Infinix Android 6.0
Step: Now, type in the search bar “Chrome” and in the open Chrome browser.
Step: Tap “Accept and continue” and then “No thanks.” bypass google account Infinix Note 3 Pro Unlock FRP Infinix, Infinix Remarks 3 Supporting Bypass Google Validation FRP Infinix Note 3 Note 3 Infinix Pro Android 6.0 FRP Bypass, BypassFRP Infinix Android 6.0 Download BypassFRP Tools from Chrome browser:
bypass- google-account-galaxy-tab-a6
Step: Once the Chrome browser opens, type in the Chrome browser search bar, “Download BypassFRP Tools.”
Step: Now, open the most relevant search results as shown in the (find below screenshot).
Step: Download “Google Account Manager 6.0” from there, and “Pangu Account Login” from the APK app. bypass google account Infinix Note 3 Pro Unlock FRP Infinix, Infinix Remarks 3 Support Bypass Google Verification FRP Infinix Note 3 Note 3 Infinix Pro Android 6.0 FRP Bypass, BypassFRP Infinix Android 6.0
Step: Once downloading finished, you’ll find a Pop-up below of your screen to open the download folder, simply tap “Open” from the Pop-up.
Step: Install the “Google Account Manager” app, from the Downloads folder.
Note: In case you get any Pop-up “unknown sources” just like tap “locked Installation” on tap “setting” from Pop-up, and then enable, etc., then you enable.
Step: Go back to download folders, and then Install “Pangu Account Login”.
Step: After that tap, tap “Open Account” and then “Install”. bypass google account Infinix Note 3 Pro Unlock FRP Infinix, Infinix Remarks 3 Support Bypass Google Verification FRP Infinix Note 3 Note 3 Infinix Pro Android 6.0 FRP Bypass, BypassFRP Infinix Android 6.0
Step: you’ll be redirected to the “Type a password” screen.
Step: Tap “3 dots” from the top right corner.
Step: Now, tap on “Browser sign-in”.
Step: Add a new Gmail account to bypass google account Infiniti Note 3 Pro. bypass google account Infinix Note 3 Pro Unlock FRP Infinix, Infinix Remarks 3 Support Bypass Google Verification FRP Infinix Note 3 Note 3 Infinix Pro Android 6.0 FRP Bypass, BypassFRP Infinix Android 6.0
bypass- google-account-galaxy-tab-a6
Step: After successfully adding the account. Restart your device.
Step: Full initial setup to bypass google account Infinix Note 3 Pro. Thanks for watching us. In case you’ve query about this method, you can comment below. Sharing is caringSo, Share it on Social Media